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NDIS Mobility Equipment - Dandenong, Melbourne

NDIS mobility equipment
  1. Wheelchairs: Provide access to a range of manual and powered wheelchairs, tailored to individual needs for increased mobility.

  2. Mobility Scooters: Offer mobility scooters for individuals who may benefit from a motorized and versatile solution for getting around.

  3. Crutches and Walking Aids: Supply a variety of walking aids, including crutches, walking frames, and canes, to support individuals with stability and balance.

  4. Adaptive Seating: Provide specialized seating solutions to enhance comfort and support for individuals with specific mobility requirements.

  5. Orthopedic Shoes and Footwear: Offer orthopedic shoes and footwear designed to provide comfort and support for individuals with foot-related mobility challenges.

  6. Transfer Aids: Assist with transfer aids such as transfer boards and slide sheets to facilitate safe and smooth transfers between different surfaces.

  7. Rehabilitation and Exercise Equipment: Provide equipment designed for rehabilitation and exercise to support individuals in improving strength and mobility.

  8. Home Modification Consultation: Offer consultations for home modifications to enhance accessibility, including ramps, handrails, and adaptive features.

  9. Vehicle Modifications: Facilitate modifications to vehicles to make them more accessible for individuals with mobility challenges, including lifts or ramps.

  10. Assistive Technology Assessments: Conduct assessments to determine the most suitable assistive technologies to enhance mobility and independence.

These NDIS Mobility Equipment Services are designed to empower individuals with disabilities by providing access to equipment that meets their unique mobility needs. The services aim to enhance independence, safety, and overall well-being.

NDIS Provider in Dandenong

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