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NDIS Cleaning and Gardening - Dandenong, Melbourne

NDIS cleaning and gardening
  1. Home Cleaning: Comprehensive cleaning services for your home, covering dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and sanitizing to create a clean and comfortable living space.

  2. Gardening Assistance: Support with various gardening tasks, including lawn mowing, weeding, pruning, and general garden maintenance to keep outdoor spaces vibrant and well-maintained.

  3. Household Organization: Assistance in organizing living spaces, decluttering, and optimizing the arrangement of items to create an accessible and orderly home environment.

  4. Window Cleaning: Specialized cleaning services for windows, ensuring a clear and bright view from inside your home.

  5. Appliance Cleaning: Cleaning and maintenance of household appliances to ensure they function optimally and contribute to a clean and efficient living space.

  6. Deep Cleaning Services: Periodic deep cleaning for specific areas or items in your home, addressing areas that may require more thorough attention.

  7. Yard Cleanup: Assistance with yard cleanup, including removal of debris, leaves, and other materials to maintain a tidy outdoor environment.

  8. Rubbish Removal: Collection and disposal of household rubbish, promoting a clean and safe living space.

  9. Gutter Cleaning: Specialized cleaning services for gutters to ensure proper drainage and prevent potential issues related to clogs.

  10. Green Waste Management: Responsible disposal of green waste generated from gardening activities, contributing to environmental sustainability.

These NDIS Cleaning and Gardening Services are designed to support participants in maintaining a clean, organized, and enjoyable living environment. The services can be tailored to individual preferences and needs, promoting a sense of well-being and comfort at home.

NDIS Provider in Dandenong

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